Friday, April 20, 2012

The Arizona legislature is trying to censor speech on any electronic or digital device . Thankfully, it has stalled but it has not been completely killed. I see this bill as not only a violation of the United States constitution but also as a violation of human rights.

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights  -

Article 19.

  • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

This means that we have a right to express our opinions in a way that we see fit on the internet. Does this mean that we can bully people and threaten their (or their loved ones') lives? No, there are already laws that prohibit it. Just as free speech in the United States comes with restrictions, so does free speech in the digital arena.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Digital Divide

Part of the discussion for class this week centers on this; "Someone once claimed that saying that there is a "digital divide" is like saying that there is a "Mercedes divide" (i.e., some have Mercedes, and others don't). If we don't think that there needs to be a public policy solution to the second, then we don't need a solution to the first." The idea that not having access to the internet and computers is the same as not having a luxury car is ridiculous.

Are people who do not own Mercedes still able to transport themselves from one place to another (the main purpose of any vehicle)? In most cases, yes. They may have access to a lesser car or public transportation. They may have a bicycle which serves to get them where they need to go, or they may even choose to walk, if preferred or necessary.

Are people without internet or computer access able to do the things one can with a computer or internet access? In most cases, no. More and more companies are putting job applications online. It saves paper and makes the hiring manager's job easier. Can you apply without a internet access? Sometimes. Some companies may have a kiosk when the applicant can access the application. However, even in the companies that do have that option, the machines are not always maintained and it is not uncommon for them to break down and not be fixed for weeks or even months at a time.

Another aspect of the employment factor is job search. Companies are advertising online where their ads are cheaper (sometimes even free), can be more detailed, and can reach a potentially larger audience than traditional newspapers. Can a job seeker find these openings without internet access? Unlikely. There is a chance that the job seeker could cold call a bunch of companies looking for work and stumble onto one that has also advertised their openings online. One way that the state of Arizona helps the unemployed is by letting people use their computers with internet access (at DES offices) to search for work on sites like and CraigsList. Unfortunately, there is a limit to the number of computers available and they are only available on weekday from approximately 8am to 5 pm. They can also all be in use by other job seekers when our hypothetical seeker wishes to use them. Of course, there is always the public library, right?

Yes, the Tucson Pima Public Library. The library where you need to reserve the computer for either a 20 minute or 1 hour session. You may reserve these sessions up to twice a day per library, if available. On busy days, you may not be able to get a reservation at all. The hours that the computers are available also depend on the library's hours. The library has a lot people vying for computer time. There are students who need the internet to do their homework. There are homeless people who use it to find resources or as a way to connect with friends or family who may not even be aware of these people's situations. There are people who use the internet simply for fun; they play games, watch videos, post on Facebook. The library can be overwhelmed with the demand for their very limited resource.

These are just a few examples that demonstrate how wrong this "someone" was to compare the digital divide to the Mercedes divide.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Network Effect

Humans, for the most part, seek out networks. We use social networks, not only online, but offline. We connect with other students, coworkers, friends, parents of our children's friends, etc.
It is not odd that we would also create networks in our business lives.

The grocery store I work at has established a gas station network, not only do our gas stations accept our rewards cards, but we have branched out to two other chains of gas stations to create a network of gas stations where our customers can receive a discount on gas if they buy groceries from us. The store itself is also part of a bigger network, it is part of a chain of stores here in Arizona and the chain is owned by a corporation that owns various chains of grocery and other stores throughout the country.

As an employee of this store, I get discounts on various goods and services from not only our corporate owned conglomeration, but also from other providers who are connected to our corporate or local chain by various means. This gives us employees many opportunities to save money on things such as cell phone service, sports events, and theme parks. This network serves as a benefit to employees which helps serve as an incentive to work or continue working for this store.